
Showing posts from March, 2023

Heroine Addiction: Master Villainess the Invincible! ft. Witlash and Moon

This time on Heroine Addiction, Isekai Sensei-Sama and Bento Baggins are joined by Witlash and Moon, moderators for  r/OtomeIsekai , to talk about  Master Villainess the Invincible! Follow on  Twitter  and subscribe on  YouTube  so you don't miss new episodes. You can also follow us on  Facebook , or reach us by email at .

Pop Culture Talk Zone: The Capitalism Took My Baby Away, Send Help!

Back in the ancient days of 2021, Kermit D. Grog gather together the Weeb Cabal to sort out if the hooks of capitalism can be dislodged from our favorite media. Isekai Sensei-Sama and Bento Baggins offer up their thoughts to help their friend deal with the conflict in his heart. Don't forget to find us on  Twitter ,   Facebook ,  and  YouTube , and subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. We'd love to hear from you, so send us a message or comment. If you have an Isekai question, email Isekai Sensei-Sama at  and your question may be featured in a future episode.

This Episode Is Not Filler, Isekai Is Filler, Light Novels: Faraway Paladin

Filler, Fluff, Fuzz, or Futzing? Good, bad, or mediocre? Necessary or nonsense? The Weeb Cabal- Isekai Sensei-Sama, Kermit D. Grog, and Bento Baggins- discuss the phenomena of filler in anime, if and entire genre can be filler, and  the light novel for Faraway Paladin  and how it stacks up against the manga and anime. Sugoi Mart  is your one-stop shop for the best Japanese snacks, candy, toys, and merch!  Click here  or use code  APR15  at checkout  to get 15% off your first order . Don't forget to find us on  Twitter ,  Facebook ,  and  YouTube , and subscribe so you don't miss new episodes. We'd love to hear from you, so send us a message or comment. If you have an Isekai question, email Isekai Sensei-Sama at  and your question may be featured in a future episode.